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Showing posts with the label Love & Relationships

Songs to help you get through a heartbreak

If you're having girl(or boy) problems I feel bad for you son(or daughter), I got 99 problems but a b**** ain't one.  Who am I kidding? Heartbreak happens to the best of us... yup, that's including me. While most people handle it fairly well, there are some whose lives end up ruined as a result of the ultimate betrayal. I've been depressed at some points, and though time may heal most wounds, some scars become constant reminders of a love lost and the way it left us feeling empty. One thing I have learnt however is that whenever it happens, instead of being in denial, it is much wiser to face it head on. So I give myself time to grieve and let it all out. One of my best outlets is music. There are some songs which can plug into your chest, connect to your pain and then say the right words to your wall of shame. Heartbreak is definitely no laughing matter... and I know for some, it may even seem like the end of the world. Take a break, cry or do whatever you feel will he

The most romantic RnB love songs for lovers

Is there a name for that warm fuzzy feeling that you feel in your chest when you're in love? Ever been so in love that whenever you get a free moment, all you want to do is just shut your eyes and smile on the inside as you think about all the wonderful things you see in your beau.  The way that crooked tooth perfects their smile. How they giggle. The way they say a certain word, or even how they walk. Beautiful isn't it? (Especially if they feel the same too.) Well, I hope the following songs will perfect those moments for you. If you're still searching for the one, then I hope these songs will renew your faith in love and reinforce your belief in romance. The whole idea is to give you a collection of songs that you can sing to your partner, or better yet, dance to as you hold each other close. Please note that there are way too many love songs to cover in a single article. So I hope you understand that this list is neither conclusive nor exhaustive. It is simply a songs t

Hip hop and RnB songs to apologize to your partner

Love is a beautiful thing, but it often goes wrong. This often leads to pain, suffering and sorrow.  Being imperfect beings, hearts tend to get broken all the time regardless how hard we may try to avoid it.  The heartbreak is often inadvertent but at times we find ourselves in the wrong. An oversight, a word unsaid or even a lapse in our judgement can cause our loved ones harm. This doesn't always have to be the end though. Oftentimes, relationships can be mended by simply uttering three simple words: "I AM SORRY". This article is a collection of some of my favourite 'I'm sorry' songs. I hope you'll enjoy these apology songs, but more importantly, I hope you will get a few quotables and some wisdom nuggets from them.  The best apology however, is to change behaviour (got that from a Jay Z interview) so as you apologize, please remember that it was your actions that hurt them. The best apology is one which involves you not repeating those same mistakes aga

20 Hip hop and RnB songs that give the best love advice

Some years back, I attended a friend's wedding. As we enjoyed the proceedings, the DJ kept us entertained with some of the sweetest music. Sometime into the proceedings, the DJ made a very critical musical blunder and ruined a perfect moment by playing the wrong song. I'm sure many didnt notice.... but I did. Guess which song he played? It was Tamia's rendition of Careless whisper. It's a beautiful song, but at that moment, it was a horrible choice. I could clearly tell he was oblivious to his mistake, but the lyrics to that song are of regret and a love gone wrong. So instead of being a celebration of love, such a song adds a whole new dimension to what is meant to be a beautiful occasion. Maybe I'm the only one, but have you noticed how most of the sweetest love songs seem to be tainted by infidelity? Not to sound righteous or anything, but the theme is always: "my partner ain't around, and you look fine" or "I'll do you better than your par

So you cheated and got caught... but you still love him

Forever is a very long time... and a lot could happen in 'forever'. When I was younger, I used to boast about being a 'good' one woman man. I could have sworn I would stay that way forever. As I grew older, I found myself in situations where Jesus would have looked away in shame as I made a mockery of love and its aesthetics.  I had also vowed that cheating was a deal breaker for me. I truly believed that a cheating woman was beyond redemption and I would not tolerate it. I had even broken relationships with a number of women simply because they had looked at another guy the wrong way. Yup! I was that petty. An unfortunate incident however, had me questioning my truth and despite the immensity of emotional pain I had to endure, it helped put a lot of things into perspective. I am older now, and I believe we are all merely "a bunch of lost souls" trying to find our paths in life. So even though we will be on course most of the time, we are also bound to lose ou

17 Best gift ideas for men

17 Best gift ideas for men First of all, thank you for reading this... it's not many men that are blessed enough to receive 'real' gifts in their lifetime... so you're a legend for even thinking about it. So his birthday or an important milestone is coming up and you'd like to do something special for him. You're not sure what to get him, but that's alright, now that you're here. In this article we'll cover 17 of the best gift ideas that your special man will definitely love. However, before we get started, I'd like to give you some tips that will help you become a great gift chooser.  By the way, this post contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase or sign up to a service after clicking one of my links I may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting my site! Tips for choosing the right gift for him • It's not about you Your goal is to make him feel special. So start by forgetting yourself and fo

Dating advice for single moms

The following is a compilation of tips and advice that I made based primarily on my experience dating single moms. I also have an army of 'sisters' and friends who confide in me. It's funny how everything seems easier when you're looking from the outside. I hope these tips will give you some insights into the male perspective... and more importantly, it keeps you from pushing away a great decent guy like myself ;-) So these recommendations are meant for any single mom who wants to move forward and is exploring the prospect of a long term relationship with someone new. I have written these with a friend or sister in mind... as the ultimate reader. So this is exactly the same advice I would give my own sister.  I hope you will find them as helpful as I intended them to be. I am however not an expert on love... no one is. So go through these with an open mind and enjoy love in its fullness. Now let's get into it... RECOMMENDED READING: HOW TO TELL IF YOU ARE WASTING Y

Jerk-proof: How to keep your heart safe from losers

I've watched helplessly as this whole, “men are dogs” theme gains popularity, and I honestly find it pretty offensive. Not that I feel I deserve an exemption, but because it is the same people who say it, that keep constantly choosing those bastards and leaving the good guys in the friendzone.  Uhm... just for the record, let me say, good men do exist. Though I might not be one of them myself; I have heard of them, I have seen some of them and in all honesty, I personally know some women who chose wisely and are genuinely happily in love. Not the facebook type of romance, but that joy that makes someone glow. So much that it radiates even onto oblivious onlookers and inadvertently turns them into unwavering disciples of love. A heartbroken friend of mine recently asked me where she could find a man without a wandering eye. As a man, I instinctively felt the strong urge to argue that nature designed us that way (and this is an argument I can back up with ease). At the same time, I f

The ultimate relationship test

In a previous article I outlined a number of truths that you should know about men. One of those truths was that you should not blindly believe everything he says to you. Just to clarify that even further... I am not saying treat him like a suspect all the time. I am just saying when he tells you he loves you, remember that these are just but words.... the true meaning will be found in his actions. Men by nature are marketers. We are all trying to get your attention and we will go to great lengths just to do this. So in this article, I will give you the ultimate relationship test to help you assess a new romance. CASE STUDY: MY INNOCENT CRUSH I remember this gorgeous girl I had a crush on back in high school. She was the sweet innocent church type. A beauty with sober habits, long black hair and dimples on her face. On the other hand, I was an aspiring rapper. Keepin' it unnecessarily real, always getting wasted and I hadn't seen the inside of a church in years. I knew howeve

5 things you can do right now to turn your relationship around

Over time many relationships lose the spark that held them together. The easy thing to do is to throw in the towel and simply look for that spark elsewhere. Many have taken that route and oftentimes the new spark fizzles out and we find ourselves on an endless chase in pursuit of true love. The harder alternative however, is remembering why you fell in love with that person, and then rekindling that spark. You might think your relationship is beyond redemption... and you might be right... but there's an even greater possibility that you are wrong. In this article, I will cover 5 things you can do right now to turn your relationship around.  These are a few simple tips about what you can do to make things work and win him back. 1. Decide you want it to work You will need to make a conscious decision that this is the man you chose and make peace with the fact that he is who he is. Once you have made that decision, try reminding yourself, how and why you fell in love with this bum. Tr