As an app developer you also want to provide a seamless user experience for your users. This means simplifying tasks and finding easier ways to do things. This can be achieved using APIs. This tutorial will cover how to use the WhatsApp API to: 1. Open a chat 2. Open a chat with a predefined message. Please note that the decision to send the message lies ultimately with the user. The logic is placed onButtonClick... so I can send a message when a the button is clicked. In the first example we use an intent and then we setdata to the contents of edittext1. Just in case the image isn't clear enough, the text is: whatsapp://send?text= In the second example we specify a phone number. When clicked, a chat to that number will be opened. This is particularly useful on a contact page... whereby users can simply click a button to chat. The code used below is: All the best as you build that amazing app