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Showing posts from September, 2020

Business ideas that require little or no capital

  Business ideas that require little or no capital Do you dream of someday starting your own business? Have you been contemplating going into business but have no money? Well today's your lucky day. In this article we'll go through a number of business ideas that require little or no capital to start. You must however note that not all ideas are worth pursuing. This will depend on your personal situation as well as external factors such as the size of population and amount of competition. So once you have found an idea worth pursuing, I recommend that you test it by converting it to a business model and finding out if it could work for you. I also recommend going out and actually talking to people. This will keep you from overhyping yourself or talking yourself out of ideas. The most reliable information will come from the market. Oh.. and before we get into it. This post contains affiliate links. Which means if you click on a link and eventually make a purchase, I will earn so...

20 Hip hop and RnB songs that give the best love advice

Some years back, I attended a friend's wedding. As we enjoyed the proceedings, the DJ kept us entertained with some of the sweetest music. Sometime into the proceedings, the DJ made a very critical musical blunder and ruined a perfect moment by playing the wrong song. I'm sure many didnt notice.... but I did. Guess which song he played? It was Tamia's rendition of Careless whisper. It's a beautiful song, but at that moment, it was a horrible choice. I could clearly tell he was oblivious to his mistake, but the lyrics to that song are of regret and a love gone wrong. So instead of being a celebration of love, such a song adds a whole new dimension to what is meant to be a beautiful occasion. Maybe I'm the only one, but have you noticed how most of the sweetest love songs seem to be tainted by infidelity? Not to sound righteous or anything, but the theme is always: "my partner ain't around, and you look fine" or "I'll do you better than your par...

Are your prices really profitable?


K Brizzy's top tips for aspiring artists

At a tender age, we are all taught to find and pursue our passion. This may be drawing, painting, singing or even playing a sport. As life happens however, many are forced to trade off their passion for a more corporate and steady career. Some choose to wing it, but the stories of celebrities dying broke have become fodder for journalists. This is mainly because the local entertainment industry does not often provide the lucrative incomes that guarantee a happily ever after. In instances where it does, the artists might not be as business minded as is required to match their artistic talents. It is therefore essential to approach their work as a bona fide business. This calls for meticulous planning, constant monitoring and evaluation.  THE CASHMERE SUMMER The artwork for KBRIZZY's new projects, The Cashmere Summer E.P. Fresh off the success of his debut EP, Cashmere Summer, and getting a BAA nomination shortly thereafter. Bulawayo rapper K-Brizzy shares some nuggets with aspiring ...

How to submit QPDs with Nil returns

So you were excited about starting a business, you've registered your company but are yet to start trading. QPDs are due and you know you have to submit your returns but haven't started making money. You have two options, one is to get a consultant to do it for you. The other is to do it yourself. Quite scary, intimidating or whatever word you choose to call it, but I’m hoping your outlook will have drastically changed by the end of this article. You can choose to go with a consultant, which is recommended when you are making significant income, but you can also simply do it yourself at no cost and I will show you exactly how.  What are QPDs? QPDs stands for Quarterly Payment Dates. These are estimates of your taxes on projected annual profits that are paid in quarterly instalments. So when the year begins, you make forecasts of how much your business will make in that year, and then break down the total estimated tax into smaller tax units that you will be paying every quarter...

Startup mistakes and reasons why most businesses fail

According to   statistics , about 56% of start-ups survive beyond their 4th year. Only a handful make it past the 10 year mark. If you have ever tried to start a business , then I am sure you agree that it's not a walk in the park.  Whilst the world of business might seem highly competitive and fairly hostile, some of this failure can be attributed to the start-ups themselves.  There are numerous factors that result in business failure but the common ones are: Product does not satisfy customer needs This often results from a failure by the founders of small businesses to carry out thorough research. Many small business owners do not actively go out to find out what their customers really need . I've been there a couple of times: caught up in my own hype. Just because an idea sounds great to you, does not always make it worth pursuing. Talk to real people and find out if they would be willing to pray for your innovation. Extensive market Research might seem costly and unne...

What business records should i keep

Poor record keeping has kept many-a-small business from acquiring funding and other opportunities. Your word that business is doing great, stands no chance when it is not backed up by actual numbers. In most cases, because they are a one man show, many small business owners do not feel the need to keep proper records. At best, many simply keep track of the cash.... and that's about it. This article will answer the question- what business records should I keep? Most of us dream of starting and running our own businesses . Many however are thrust into the world of business without a clue what to do and how to do it. I hope this will shed some more light and help you identify the necessary records for your business to keep. The failure to keep a decent set of records could badly damage any business. We therefore need to understand the costs of not keeping business records. THE COSTS OF NOT KEEPING BUSINESS RECORDS Not keeping decent business records disadvantages your business in the ...

The ultimate sales guide for beginners

  Introduction Sales have often been described as the engine of any business. That is because the ability to sell is a great determinant towards the success of any business. Sales bring in the money and if they outweigh your costs, then it translates into profit. A lot of businesses struggle to make sales and they eventually find themselves out of business. This article will provide a simplified guide to help a beginner prepare and eventually close a sale and actually keep a customer by maintaining a relationship with them. Preparation • Research Start by doing thorough research. One of the most effective ways of learning about the market is by talking to potential customers . Your research should cover the following aspects: I.) Product First understand all aspects of your product. Its flaws, short comings and every other detail that there is to know. The best way to really know your product is by using it yourself. This will help you to answer a lot of key questions that your cus...

So you cheated and got caught... but you still love him

Forever is a very long time... and a lot could happen in 'forever'. When I was younger, I used to boast about being a 'good' one woman man. I could have sworn I would stay that way forever. As I grew older, I found myself in situations where Jesus would have looked away in shame as I made a mockery of love and its aesthetics.  I had also vowed that cheating was a deal breaker for me. I truly believed that a cheating woman was beyond redemption and I would not tolerate it. I had even broken relationships with a number of women simply because they had looked at another guy the wrong way. Yup! I was that petty. An unfortunate incident however, had me questioning my truth and despite the immensity of emotional pain I had to endure, it helped put a lot of things into perspective. I am older now, and I believe we are all merely "a bunch of lost souls" trying to find our paths in life. So even though we will be on course most of the time, we are also bound to lose ou...