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The ultimate sales guide for beginners


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Sales have often been described as the engine of any business. That is because the ability to sell is a great determinant towards the success of any business. Sales bring in the money and if they outweigh your costs, then it translates into profit. A lot of businesses struggle to make sales and they eventually find themselves out of business. This article will provide a simplified guide to help a beginner prepare and eventually close a sale and actually keep a customer by maintaining a relationship with them.


• Research

Start by doing thorough research. One of the most effective ways of learning about the market is by talking to potential customers. Your research should cover the following aspects:

I.) Product

First understand all aspects of your product. Its flaws, short comings and every other detail that there is to know. The best way to really know your product is by using it yourself. This will help you to answer a lot of key questions that your customers will want answers to.

II.) Competitors

You will also need to understand who and what you're up against. Competition in the retail world is extremely stiff and the giants will jealously guard and aggressively defend their market share from any threats. You will also need to understand how your market is set up. Find out how much your competitors are charging, what they are offering and how well your product fares against theirs.

III.) Potential customers

Who is your organisation targeting? Find out where they are, who they are, their buying power and procurement processes, as well as any other useful information. More importantly find out what their wants and needs are. So say you're targeting large companies, find out if they have a procurement department and who exactly you need to contact to discuss sales. 

IV.) End user

Some products are not bought by the end users. A great example is baby food. If you're not selling to the end user, then you should also consult the actual users of the product. The users will tell you about their needs as well as what your competitors are offering. This information will help you when you go back to the drawing board to refine your pitch.

• Planning

Once you've done your research, the next step is to come up with a sales plan. Your sales plan should cover how you will choose your prospects, how you will approach them, as well as your goals and budget for the whole sales process.

1. Think long term

A successful sales strategy is one that will build a loyal customer base. One of the keys to building a great business is customer retention. If you can successfully retain each customer, then each new customer becomes a bonus.

2. Go the extra mile

Start by finding ways to make the sales process a memorable experience. Instead of just showing up at people's doorstep, you could start by nurturing a relationship. Attend trade shows and networking events. Interact with prospective clients and build rapport. In some cases you can arrange a meeting over lunch or coffee.

• Materials

You will need:

1. Business cards

2. Flyers and brochures

3. Product samples

4. Promotional items such as calendars, pens and keyholders.

5. Money to cover phone calls and travel expenses

6. Company profiles

• Mindset

Keep a positive attitude and avoid judging people before you meet them, regardless what you may have heard. In his book 'The secret kingdom', Pat Roberts mentions the law of reciprocity. In short, what this states is that if you are walking and you see a stranger coming hour way... if you start smiling at them, then they are more likely to smile back at you. Smile and the world will smile with you. So as you approach your sales prospects, carry a positive attitude and in the long run it will pay dividends. Maintain this attitude even if they buy or not.

• Appearance

Your appearance says a lot about you and what you represent. You will therefore need to look clean, neat and presentable. If you are selling food products, then people will probably be unwilling to try out your samples if you look dirty. If you're selling a product to help people make money, then it works against you if you show up in a worn out shirt. Tou therefore have to look credible and trustworthy. 

• Rehearsal

You will need to rehearse your pitch. It is advisable to come up with a detailed script and to rehearse this over and over until you've internalized it. The following is a sample script that you can use and adapt to suit your own needs.

A sample of a sales pitch script

Sales pitch infographic

During the sale

• Be formal and professional. Avoid using slang terms or derogatory terms when talking to your potential clients.

• Mind your body language. I have met a few people who are so passionate when talking, you could mistake it for aggression. Avoid coming across as guarded or nervous as well.

• Unless they have given you the permission to do so, avoid shortening their names. Keep Robert as Robert, and not Bob.

• Avoid flirting

• Use simple language that your potential client will understand. This means avoiding use of technical terms unless its necessary.

• Be truthful. Do not make promises that you can not keep.

• Listen. In addition to the verbal communication, pay attention to non-verbal communication.

• Avoid controversial topics- some subjects such as religion and politics are rather sensitive. It might be tempting to complain about the government and what they have done to the economy, but you have no idea what the other person's views are.

After sales service

• Say "Thank you"

After successfully closing a sale, remember to call or send an email to say thank you. If you have a small giveaway or card, this will go a long way.

• Follow up

Make a follow up to find out if the customer received the order and if they were satisfied. Also find out if its helping and improving their business. For example, if you pitched a beverage, find out if users are buying it and if there is any feedback

• Support

After thanking and doing your follow up, the next thing is to provide support. If users are not buying your products from your customer, you can try and drive traffic to the outlet through social media promotion. You can also set up a booth outside your customer's outlets to educate and promote your products to the end user

Case study my story

Some years ago, I was tasked with selling some new tech gadgets. I remember the first day I went out trying to sell.

I had made a list of 10 prospective clients that and as I went to the first outlet, my confidence levels were super high. I got to the reception area and explained why I was there. The sweet lady made me sit for a while as I waited for 'the boss'. After some time, the boss called me in, and I proceeded to her office.

She then started asking me some detailed questions about the gadget... and my mind went blank. I hadn't done my research. My confidence fizzled away and I shrank in my seat. As I ended my presentation she gave me her card and asked for mine. It hadn't even crossed my mind... so I bad to ask for a pen and jot it down on her desk calendar. She however promised to get back to me, but at this point I knew it was simply just so that I would not feel bad.

I went to the second outlet and these guys didn't even give me the light of day. Some story about me not being on their supplier list. I went to the third outlet and spent a good 10 minutes or so trying to convince the receptionist that I needed to see her superior and I was worth hearing. When I eventually got a sit down with the guy in charge, he too told me some excuse, complained about my price but said he would get back to me. He did not.

Needless to say, at this point I was already feeling low... I hadn't made a sale and I was frustrated. With my ego bruised I just decided to go back to the office. On the next day I did not feel as enthusiastic about selling and I remembered all the sales men and women that I had ignored or told some lame excuse. I was finally in their shoes. This went on for over two weeks and I still couldn't make a single sale. 

A cousin of mine passed by my office this one day, and I told him about the gadget as well as how I hadn't made a sale. He told me to give him all the stock I had.... which I reluctantly did. In about 45 minutes, he called back to tell me that he had sold everything and was on his way back with the money. I was in awe. I had failed to make a single sale in two weeks and in a few minutes he had sold my entire stock.

It was right then that I realized, there's a lot more to selling and not all of us are built for it. It requires a specific attitude and skill. We can however work on ourselves and improve our technique over time. I hope this guide will help prepare you psychologically as well as technically to blow them away with your sales skills. 


It takes a lot of preparation and skill to successfully execute a sales strategy. It also requires a lot of patience and resilience. 

The goal of any sales strategy should be to retain existing customers, and this can only be done by building a relationship with your customers. This begins with putting yourself in the customer's shoes and working to satisfy their needs.

The sales process however does not end with the sale. It goes beyond the sale and thus any successful sales person will make an effort to thank, get feedback and then provide support the customer as they use the product.

I hope you found this helpful and I would love to hear about your sales experiences in the comments.


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