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The journal of an African tech startup founder- Part 1: The backstory

This is it. My first article for the Journal of an African tech startup founder. I've had this idea for a while but I've been reluctant to start. The first reason is because I am still new to this. I feel I haven't yet built much of a resumè (no fundraising, no successful exit, no Forbes mention etc.), so I wonder if anyone would be interested in my story. Like, do I really have something significant to say? The second reason is fear. I've found myself thinking: "what if I invite everyone on this journey, and then I fail?" I wouldn't want the world to see me lying flat on my face in a pile of sh..ame. However, I've also asked myself why I want to do this in the first place. This article will give some background and add some context to my motivation for writing. Let's start with some background. My name's Likhwa and I am a self taught programmer. I got interested in programming around 2004. At the time, I was in my sophomore year at varsity. Af

Everything you need to know about startup funding

One of the major challenges that startups face is raising capital or acquiring funding to help them start or grow their business. Capital is often exchanged for equity and is used by businesses to build products, hire key staff and expand into new markets. In this article we will cover everything you need to know about startup funding and what you can do to position yourself to get funding. Table of contents i. Factors to consider ii. Sources of funding iii. Types of funding iv. Series funding v. What investors consider vi. Questions to ask yourself before seeking funding vii. Conclusion FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN SEEKING STARTUP FUNDING Every business goes through a number of stages during its lifecycle. Just like a baby first lives on milk, before they can handle solid meals, even small businesses need to start with simple funding models and then graduate to more complex ones. It is therefore important to understand the various stages in

How to make him like you a bit more

I believe most people confuse love with how they feel, so they assume that the things they want are what the other person wants as well. True love in its purest form, is about the other person. It’s important to understand this. Most people claim to love their partners, but then go on to treat them badly. So the easiest way to make him think about you constantly, is to do things that are in his best interests. Now to answer your question in more detail… I'm not sure if you can handle this superpower that I'm about to give you. I'll just trust that you won't abuse it. Deal? Great🙂 There are three things that men long for in their relationships: Peace Appreciation Ego boost I. PEACE After a long day of fighting bad guys, evil bosses and doing all sorts of good deeds to make the world a better place, he simply wants to retreat to a happy place. No drama, no judgement, just comfort and love. Don't add on to his woes by seeking someone to validate you, throwing endless

Well, if it works then why isn't it working for you?

Something rather embarassing happened to me some days back. I was chatting with some acquaintances, and the subject of how to make money came up. Having worked with small businesses for quite a while, I thought I was qualified to respond... and so I did. They were all blaming the government or something outside themselves for their misfortunes and failure in business. I'm more of an introspective individual, so even my response was along those lines. I brought up how most of the time, it's not really about hard work, but more about working smart. Setting a goal and methodically working towards it. More importantly, I also mentioned how our attitudes also play a significant role in determining our level of success. Things went south very quick though, and one particular lady wasn't amused by my comments. She snapped. She told me how tired she was. Tired of advice. Tired of theory. Tired of constantly trying. Tired of being told no. Tired of watching people who seemingly don&

My advice to local aspiring developers

Well, today I thought let me talk to fellow aspiring developers, particularly those in third world countries. This is just random advice... so you are free to ignore it if it suits you. Some weeks back I wrote an article talking about how there is an average of 2 companies achieving unicorn status [ a billion dollar valuation ] every day around the globe. These are companies from everywhere except Africa. Africa has only had a handful of unicorns and these only account for 0.5% of the global total. One of the reasons for that, is simply a matter of probabilities. If you have thousands of people all actively building something then you're more likely to stumble upon at least one great company. Then when that company grows it can nurture and reinvest in more companies of its own. I've met a lot of great developers with beautiful ideas, but they sit on those ideas and soon, years pass without anything being done. With this article I'm hoping to provide some insights and more