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The smartest street kid

A former colleague once told me a story of a wealthy doctor whose car hit a street kid whilst driving around town. The streetkid was so badly injured that he needed medical attention. Acting in speed, the doctor took this kid, put him in his car and rushed him to the nearest hospital. Feeling bad about what had happened, the doctor paid all the medical bills and made sure the boy was well taken care of.

Eventually, the boy recovered and was to be discharged. So the doctor asked him if he had anywhere to go or a place to stay after being discharged. Upon realizing that the child had no home, the Doctor invited the child to stay with him in his beautiful mansion. That way he could monitor his recovery and continue paying for any medication that was needed. The doctor went a step further, gave him the best food, bought him beautiful shoes, clothes and even got him a haircut.

See, over time he grew close to the boy and made the decision to adopt him as his own child. This meant that he would put him through the best schools and eventually, this poor streetkid who was born with nothing, would eventually inherit all his wealth, since Doc had no children of his own.

The child however, had no idea that this was in the doctor's plans.

So one day while the Doctor was at work, the boy tried on his new clothes, wore his shoes and saw his reflection in the mirror. His eyes lit up as he saw how good he looked and he thought to himself,

"I can't wait till I get back on the streets and my friends see me. I will be the smartest street kid"

 and just like that, he left the doctor's mansion and returned to his old life, but with new shoes this time.

Now the question I have for you today, is:

Are you moving forward, or you can't wait to go back and be "the smartest street kid?"

Do you keep looking back at your past and wishing to go back just to show them how well you turned out? 

Do you wish you could bump into that old ex who left you because you wore the same pumps... just to show them you wear red bottoms now?

The choice is yours and whatever you choose is fine. The bigger lesson however, is that whenever we experience an increase, let's also rise to that level of thinking and grow enough to accommodate it. Otherwise, we'll simply find ourselves right back where we started.  That is often the case with many who stumble on an unexpected fortune. They eventually find themselves in the same situation, if not worse poverty in a few years- simply because they failed to adapt and remained stuck in the past. This failure to adapt eventually returns them to their 'default' settings.

So in closing... 

Will you accept that God wants to elevate you? Will you embrace your new reality, accept the blessings and enjoy them? Or do you want to look back like Lot's wife... to revisit your past life and tell them about the mansions you've stayed in, the food you've eaten and the shoes you've worn? After all, who doesn't love a good story?


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