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How to add language translations in Sketchware

As your username grows, you will probably want to add translations to your app. These will enhance the user experience for users in other countries, and locations who speak another native language. This tutorial will show you how to implement translations in Sketchware.

I have create a settings page and added a spinner where the user can choose their preferred language. My settings page looks like this:

Sketchware settings ui

Step 2. In onCreate I have added a list string with the languages that I want my app to be translated to. So my logic in onCreate will look like this:

Sketchware set spinner data

Step 3. Once the user chooses a language, they can click the Save button to confirm their language selection. So I created a shared preferences component with the name "settings" and file name "settings." I will save the language selection using the key "language." This is where the language information will be saved. My logic on the Save button's onClicked event will look like this:

Sketchware save spinner data to shared preferences

Step 4. I created a moreblock with the name "translations." This block will be placed onCreate. It will contain my various textviews and edittexts as well as their translations in the respective languages. The example below uses 3 translations i.e. French, Deutsche and EspaƱol. The App uses the English language by default, so that means it is available in 4 languages.

Translation logic

NB- If we want to add translation to another activity, we simply need to recreate the same settings component and use the language key.

We can now run our app and our settings page will look like this.

I hope you found this very helpful


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