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How to create a spinner list in Sketchware

As you create your app, you might want to present specific data in a spinner. This could be something like a choice of countries or currency options. This tutorial will show you how to: 1. Create a String list 2. Display data in a spinner Step 1. Create a new project and add a spinner widget. Simply drag it onto your project screen. If you have nothing on your screen it will look like it does in the picture below Once you have added the Spinner widget navigate to the onCreate event to set your spinner data. In your onCreate event create a String list. Simply follow the arrows. Some new blocks will appear. Place your blocks like I have done in the image below. You can replace the text with your own custom text. Simply click that white space and type your own list characters. Remember: If you're having trouble finding your blocks, simply use the colours to guide you. Place a setSpinnerData below your add blocks. Choose your spinner... in this case its spinner1 and our list string is

How to move from one screen to another in Sketchware

One of the first tasks you will probably want to perform is to move from one activity to another or even to open other apps. This can be easily achieved by using an INTENT COMPONENT. This tutorial will cover  1. how to create a new activity(page) in Sketchware 2. how to use the intent component to navigate between activities(pages) Whenever you want to move, you will need to create an Intent component. Components can be found or created in the components section of your project. The above picture shows where components can be found. Click the circled red button(it's called a floating action button) to create a component. It is the first component on your left. You can give your component any name... for example "intent" or "i" or "homepage." Once you have created and named your component... you can then navigate back to your view or activity section so that you can find the right event to place the logic. Before doing anything we will also need to crea

Building your user interface in Sketchware

The above image is the login page for my Sable App, which I created using Sketchware. In this tutorial I will take you through the basics of how to create a screen/user interface. The first step after planning your app is building the user interface. This is what your user will see, click and interact with. Today we will cover some tips on how to build a simple user interface on Sketchware. Start by creating a new project. If you're not sure how to create a new project then click here learn how to create a new Sketchware Project Positioning your items I'm sure by now you know that Sketchware uses a simple drag and drop method to position items on the main screen. You might however want to position your items in a specific way.  In the image above, A shows items placed inside a linear horizontal and B shows items placed inside a Linear vertical.  You can alsoposition *layouts* within *layouts*. For example if I want to create a screen with a heading and two buttons horizontally

How to create a new project in Sketchware

 So you've downloaded Sketchware and you arent sure where to start. This article will explain how to create a new project in Sketchware. After you have logged in, the first screen will look like the one below. This might vary depending on the screensize but I'm sure you get the idea. The above picture shows the Sketchware home screen. Here you will find a list of your new projects. If you are a new user, then it might be blank... so just click where the arrow is pointing and create a new project. If the picture above isn't clear, click on it... I'm sure it will be clearer. Give your app an identity The new Project screen is where you can name your project and upload an icon. This will be the publicly displayed name of your app. This can be changed at any time.  You can also change the app icon on this screen. If you want to change your app icon click where it says tap to change icon. This can also be changed at any time. Advanced settings You can customize your app even

Building game apps in Sketchware

Last week I gave a tutorial on how to create a quiz app using Sketchware. Maybe you want to create a more complex game and that is possible using Sketchware. Today we will be looking at creating more complex games such as an endless runner, car racing or any animated game. You could even create a 3D game but that is of you can create the graphics.      The first step is deciding what kind of game you want to create. This starts with the objective of the game, how the user will earn points, the various levels as well as customizations and upgrades. Once you have the concept you can then start building your app. This tutorial will show you how to create a game app like the one in the video below. Still needs work but I hope you get the idea. What you will need For a simple game app, you will need the following:  1. A sprite sheet These are images of your various characters e.g. it can be a happy face, sad face, angry face and so on. If it's a runner, you can have them at rest and th

Useful tools for Sketchware App developers

1. Iconic Your app will require icons for use on your buttons, menus and so on.... While Sketchware comes with its own grey, white and black icons, you might want to explore additional colours and themes to customize your apps. Below is the link to an App called *Iconic* which allows you to create your own custom icons or use the numerous templates and styles that they have. You can customize their icons and include your own colour pallets. I have found it particularly useful and I'm sure you will too. 2. Craftpix This app provides graphics and game kits which you can download for free or at a reasonable cost. It also provides complete game kits. These include: • Backgrounds • Sprites • Buttons • Characters • Menu items and more You can visit 3. Snapmod You will need to create nice screenshots of your app to showcase to your friends and on social media.  This app allows you to wrap your screenshots in va

How I got started with Sketchware

Background As I explored the Playstore sometime in June 2018, I stumbled upon an app to create other apps. Out of curiosity I downloaded it, did some research and played around with it. I soon realised I could actually create a “real” app from scratch and make money. See, some years earlier I had downloaded Android studio and done a few lessons on programming. So I had a basic understanding of Java and android programming, but this new app that I had found, used simple drag and drop features and you could actually run the app on your device or send your app to friends in just a few clicks. I was not a professional programmer but using this app I could easily create “proper” mobile apps without cracking my head over code.  You can check out my app made using Sketchware; Business Builder- Small Business Management Suite here . Fast forward to a few months later and I had created an app that I felt was ready for the big leagues… Play Store baby!! Note, that I was at a low point financiall