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Showing posts with the label Business

What investors look for in a business proposal

The ability to secure additional resources and capital will enable a small business to expand operations and make money faster. This might require a small business to seek additional funds from investors. Many investors however require some form of assurance that their investment will be protected and that it will eventually help them make more money. As a small business, you will need to be mindful of the following when you prepare to pitch your business or idea. A viable product or service with a competitive advantage. You will need to present a superior quality product that meets industry requirements as well as your customer’s needs. In addition to that, what makes your product unique or gives it its competitive advantage. Is it trademarked or patent protected? Do you have exclusive contracts with the suppliers? Also remember that having a great product by itself is not sufficient. You will need to show investors that you are building a profitable business around a great product. T

How to apply for a tender and win

As your business grows and builds up its reputation, even bigger opportunities present themselves in the form of tenders. This is where the BIG money is. This article will let you know exactly how to apply for tender and win. What is a Tender A Tender is a formal invitation of bids or offers to undertake a project, provide goods or specific services. Government departments and large institutions use this as a means of obtaining offers from interested parties, ascertaining their capabilities and then choosing the best option. How the tender process works Most government bodies and large entities advertise their tenders in the press. They begin by putting up adverts for interested parties to register on their list of suppliers for that financial year. They will then pick suppliers from this pool of suppliers during the course of that year. Some tenders, however might be closed tenders and require one to approach the specific entities. In the case of new technologies or innovations, it is

How to become the president

The ultimate goal for some, is to become or watch their children become the president of the country. For many however, this is either unfathomable or simply beyond their scope.  Is this a position only reserved for a few exceptional individuals? Can anyone become the president? This article will outline the various roles of the modern president as well key attributes, strategies and factors that contribute towards a successful presidential run. • What is a president? Loosely defined, the president is the title of the highest political office in a country. In most cases, this individual is also the leader of government. • What does a president do? The president of a country performs 6 fundamental roles and these are: Symbolic leadership Priority setting and program design Crisis management Legislative and political coalition building Program implementation and evaluation Oversight of government routines Each of these roles are performed within three distinct frameworks and a successful

How to get your product into the major retail outlets

If you’re a manufacturer of consumer products, one of the fastest ways to grow your sales is by tapping into the wide distribution networks of the large retailers. In this article we will cover how to get your product into the major retail outlets. I will also share a number of tips on how new businesses can build relationships with the major outlets and grow their sales. Despite the opportunities it brings, getting your products into the major retail outlets comes with it's own challenges. Some of these might hurt small businesses and in many cases, have driven them out of business. It is therefore important for new business owners to understand a number of things about the major retailers, before engaging them. Understanding the system I. Small margins: As a result of the sensitivity of consumers and fierce competition in the retail sector, the major outlets price their products as low as profitably possible. What this means to you as a product manufacturer or supplier is that yo